A strange phenomenon has developed around the Vietnam Memorial commonly called “The Wall.” Friends and families of those whose name appear on the wall leave personal articles which they associate with the deceased. There is no common thread of association between the articles. They range from handwritten notes, buttons disparaging Jane Fond, a “blood chit” (United States escape/evasion pass), lace stockings, to a photograph of a son the decease never saw.
To date, nearly a half million items have been left at the wall. Leaving something there has special meaning to the donors. The wall has become a place where personal memories find a place of public expression. For many among us it is an ever-present link to the past and friends who paid the ultimate price.
The Cross of Jesus holds a very special place in the hearts of every truly born-again believer. It is the place where our eternal freedom from death and sin was won by the death of Jesus Christ for us. The Cross is the dividing line of all history.
There is no clear agreement concerning the precise location of the crucifixion. The writers of the New Testament didn’t think it was important to record that information for us. Perhaps God doesn’t want it known because of our human propensity to make idols out of things and places more sacred that what happed there. God buried Moses in a secret location perhaps for the same reason. He didn’t want people making pilgrimages to Moses’s grave.
What is important about the Cross is not its location but the fact that it did happen. Jesus did die on the Cross. He died to secure salvation for everyone who believes on Him.
While we can’t go to the place of the crucifixion and leave anything physical, we can make a spiritual journey there this morning. We can leave and should leave a lot of spiritual, metaphysical things there. Most of all, we can leave our sins there.
It is at the Cross Jesus died for our sins in order to give us eternal life.
If you could go to the site of the Cross, what would you leave there today? Will you leave your sin there?
There is something that can’t be left on the Cross. That is Jesus. He is not there nor is He in the tomb.
He is risen! He sits at the right hand of the Father making intercession for us.
May God Bless the posting of this. My prayer is that the Holy Spirit will begin to convict the minds and hearts of so many that seem to embrace the very opposite of God’s Holy Word. PRAY FOR AMERICA!