Our Approach
The Pastor's Desk
is dedicated to encouraging you in your daily walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. The articles are largely taken from my pastoral notes on the back of present and past church worship bulletins. Many contain news items from current events on the week of publication. Contemporary illustrations serve to help us find biblical application in the complex world in which we seek to live out our Christian faith. Perhaps through utilizing them we can be challenged to find our spiritual touchstone in applying scripture in our postmodern society. Historical accounts are also employed often. History has much to tell us about how we have gotten to where we are and where we are likely headed. Above all else, the articles are meant to remind us that Jesus entered into history, died on the cross for our sins, and rose again to determine eternity for anyone who will believe in Him.
Our Story
About the author
1. A sinner saved by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
2. A retired military chaplain and a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps. (Been there, done that, and forgot the T-shirt!)
3. Believes in the plenary verbal inspiration of the Bible.
4. Pastor of a local Baptist Church.
5. Husband of over 50 years, father of two wonderful daughters, and grandfather to seven grandsons and three granddaughters.
6. Waiting for the soon Return of the Lord Jesus.
You may contact me at: [email protected]. Please be patient; I do this as time allows. Notice the word "retired" above. Plus, I pastor a small church, fish and play with grandkids.
A note to trolls and spammers--don't look for an answer from me. Do look to Jesus who is returning quickly.